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ContraPest®, the Birth Control for Rats™

Rein in rampant rat reproduction before it starts

See How

Minimize Rebound

Maximize Productivity

Left unchecked, two adult rats can be responsible for the birth of up to 15,000 descendants after a year. ContraPest is the first EPA-registered contraceptive for both male and female rats developed by rat fertility control scientists to create healthy environments by virtually eliminating rat pest populations.

ContraPest works by counteracting this rebound effect, significantly reducing their ability to reproduce. Once deployed, your furry foes’ departure is simply a matter of time.

The active ingredients are specifically formulated for rats. The active ingredients also break down within the rat’s digestive system, resulting in no bioaccumulation or biomagnification in the environment.

See How
it Works

“Within the first 3 months of deploying ContraPest, we saw a 50% reduction in rodent activity, fewer dead in traps, and steadily decreasing activity. Within 6 months we had zero activity.”

Operations Manager, Pullet Farm

What to Expect



The true size of a rat infestation can be difficult to pinpoint, but using ContraPest monthly will allow for continuous consumption by any new, unobserved rats



Deploying ContraPest together with other methods, including lethal measures, can speed up the process because you’re targeting both ends of the life cycle: birth and death.



As rat populations decrease over time, less ContraPest may be required, resulting in more efficiency.